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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Q & A: Depression / Fibromyalgia / Lupus / Psoriasis / Shingles







Olive Oil vs Baby Oil

If Olive Oil comes from Olives, where does Baby Oil Come from?

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Q & A
(FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. No claims for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied. Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states. Statements in this blog entry have not been approved by the FDA.) 

QUESTION: I have restless leg syndrome and no one can imagine what that is like I have tried all the meds for it and they put you in a state of hallucinations so I have been taking Klonapen which really does nothing for the discomfort, but has given me insomnia and nightmares when I do sleep. Holding down a job when you are so drugged up and finally get to sleep at 4 in the morning is very discouraging. 

ANSWER:   RLS is helped by, what else, sleep! But, the drug you are taking for RLS is known to cause insomnia. And, did you know that you cannot heal without the healing stage of sleep? Also, you cannot lose weight and in fact you will gain weight without enough sleep. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum recommends Melatonin, before prescribing drugs, as it is a hormone our bodies naturally make. 
Take Melatonin only at bedtime.
As we age and are under stress and illness, our natural stores of Melatonin drop considerably. You might be able to fall asleep, but can't stay asleep the full eight hours that we need. Or, you might not be able to fall asleep even though you are exhausted.

It is common for people to think they get enough sleep, yet, don't understand why they are still tired the next day. Another common symptom of sleep deprivation is falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

Our bodies cannot heal without the proper amount of quality sleep.
Melatonin allows our bodies to do this. The usual dose that Dr. Teitelbaum prescribes is 1mg to 3mg. Although up to 24 mg is GRAS, most people do not need nearly that much. Expect to sleep up to twelve hours the first few nights, while your body is catching up on its sleep. Don't be surprised if your dreams are happy and vivid. Take Melatonin only at bedtime. It is easily found and is inexpensive.

RLS is a symptom of a Magnesium deficiency. Dr. Pamela W. Smith and Dr. Carolyn Dean both state that 80% of Americans are deficient in Magnesium. But if you are deficient, Magnesium by mouth will not be absorbed well. 
Your body will develop the ‘snowball effect’ in its mal-absorption of Magnesium. 
Applying Topical Magnesium Gel is the best way to get Magnesium levels up. Apply Magnesium Gel on arms and legs daily for fast absorption.

One source for topical Magnesium is @ best prices of the year are May & December. 

QUESTION: My daughter is 27 and has been diagnosed with Lupus as you know it is an auto immune disease and strangely enough I also have Psoriasis on the palms of my feet and the bottom of my feet I am in remission now. My point is I am told these are all auto immune diseases and I HAD SHINGLES TWICE!

Lupus and Psoriasis are tough nuts to crack. In Dr. Richard Becker’s book, FOUNDATIONS FOR HEALING, he writes that healing depends on a daily nutritious diet, quiet prayer/meditation and sleep quality.

Additionally, getting whatever form of activity can be tolerated and ridding our diets and environment of toxins, is of the utmost importance.  Lupus sufferers have shown improvement when Aspartame and MSG are removed from patients' diets.  Almost all processed, pre-packaged and fast foods contain these poisons.  They are often hidden as 'natural flavoring,' natural seasoning,' and 'spices.' 

A  Netti Pot can be used, with warm water and salt, or a simple saline spray for maintenance, but it is recommended to begin a fungal cleanse twice a day with a prepared, saline and fungicide solution, nasal spray, such as XKLEAR Nasal Spray Wash, with Xylitol and Saline.

Whole-Grain flat breads (yeast-free) are now widely available, delicious and nutritious. Still, eat all grains with caution. Many people have Celiac Disease and don't know it (nor do their doctors) until they go off all gluten food products. Millet, Brown Rice and Quinoa are healthy and gluten-free.  People report feeling alive for the first time in years, after taking gluten out of their diets. 

Caution: If you aren't a fan of suffering any more than you already are, you might want to cut back on your carbs each day, rather than going 'Cold Turkey' and drink more water than usual, otherwise, on day three or four you could have a headache the size of Texas from the fungal 'die-off' and diuretic effect.

Be sure to be 'white carb free' (including potatoes and white rice) by the end of two weeks.   These foods feed fungus and cancer.  If you add them back into your diet, make it a rare occasion and always take a Probiotic before and after the meal, to maintain intestinal health.

Peanuts are another commonly known source of intestinal fungus, so you should probably take them out of your diet as well, if you are suffering from fugal /yeast infections. 

SHINGLES, a re-emergence of the Chicken-Pox most of us had as children, can occur due to extreme stress and/or a weak immune system.  According to Dr. Cass Ingram, a recurrence of Shingles, or if the blisters are hanging around for more that six weeks, the implication is that you have an extremely low immune system. This is when other health issues, such as cancer, can flourish. There can be different symptoms and different levels of pain, itching and numbness that vary from person to person, even after shingles' blisters have gone away.

Dr. Becker recommends for Psoriasis/Eczema, Lupus and Shingles: L-Lysine, Probiotics, Royal Jelly, Fish Oil, Alpha Lipoic Acid, One ounce of Pure Noni Juice/no fruit juice added ( four to six times a day for pain), Noni compress on the affected area, Ip6/Inositol, Beta Glucan, Oregano Oil and SLEEP.
Additionally, unrefined Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Grapeseed Oil are soothing as well as healing oils for skin. He tells us to use these oils and Noni in your diet, too.  *L-Lysine inhibits the replication of the virus, but it does not kill it.

*North American Herb & Spice wild-crafted Oregano Oil gel caps, and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics to complete the head to toe fungal cleanse.  During flare-ups, take twice a day.
*Probiotics (‘Pro-life’) (Wins the battle over the yeast, fungus & pathogens in our gut) (Dr. Ohhira’s recommended by Fred Pescatore, M.D./Manhattan, NY) (Everyone needs Probiotics, since 70% of our immune system, depends on our intestinal health.)

*Beta Glucan The Generals of our immune system army that gobble up invading bacteria & viruses; turns on Macrophages, the ’big eaters’; improves recovery rates of immune conditions, like cancer & arthritis; KICKS MRSA and E-COLI  BUTT!; lowers cholesterol;  works synergistically with Ip6/Inositol for stronger immunity; beta glucans are not created equal!  Experts agree that NSC-24 brand is top-of-the line. 
QUESTION:  I am in need of help to sort out all my diagnoses, doctor's orders, medications and side-effects. I am so confused and I don't feel like anyone understands how I feel. I am seeing two specialists and my regular physician. I have been diagnosed with the following: Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), Auto-Immune's (Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel & Sjorgrens Syndrome) and Hypertension.

It is so hard to detect between side-effects of medications and symptoms from disorders. the fatigue, the pain, the swelling, the headaches, the dry mouth, shakiness, insomnia, lack of energy, etc. I am taking an anti-depressant, Celexa. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answers in the questions above apply here, too. In researching the adverse side-effect of Celexa, you will find most of your symptoms listed. That does not mean that you can just stop taking it without the help of a medical professional who knows how.  Do not be surprised if the doctor(s) who prescribed Celexa for you, cannot wean you from it. See below for more side-effect of Celexa.
Unfortunately, even in 2009, Fibromyalgia patients are being prescribed anti-depressants, instead of the nutrients that will help ease the problem and heal the body, without adverse side-effects.

Anti-depressant drugs can cause Weight-Gain, (silent) Osteoporosis, deeper Depression and Suicidal Thoughts.

Of course people feel discouraged with endless waking hours and constant muscle aches and pains, but that does not mean that they are clinically depressed and should be prescribed dangerous drugs.  How ridiculous.

Natural anti-depressants, with other health benefits, include St. John's Wort (also a natural anti-biotic & diuretic), Ginkgo Biloba (also enhances oxygen levels & memory), and Omega 3 Fatty Acids (from Fish, Krill, Flax, Walnuts and their oils) and Magnesium Topical Gel (magnesium balances Calcium in the body).

They also help prevent and fight Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Alzheimer's and ulcers. I could go on. These help with concentration, memory, I.Q. and improve energy levels and hypertension, as well.

Fibromyalgia is directy related to sleep deprivation and fungal infection, according to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome expert and developer of the FIBRO/CFS protocol, The S.H.I.N.E. Method (Sleep, Hormones, Infection, Nutrition, Exercise).

You have to get sleep (melatonin and/or 5-HTP helps a lot of people) and you have to rid your body of the fungus (wild-crafted oregano oil gel caps & Probiotics can help). 
See below for more about Melatonin and Dr. Teitelbaum. I wrote in more detail about Oregano on an earlier blog ('Amazing Home Remedies-

Among the most common side-effects of Celexa:
Nausea -- ----up to 21% of people

Dry mouth -- up to 20% of people
Drowsiness --up to 18% of people
Insomnia --- up to 15% of people
Increased sweating -- up to 11 % of people
Shakiness (tremor) -- up to 8% of people
Diarrhea -- up to 8 % of people

Additional Side-Effects of Celexa:
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Indigestion or heartburn, Muscle pain or joint pain, Suicidal thoughts or behavior, Hostility or aggressiveness, Restlessness or inability to sit still, Chest palpitations, Hallucinations, Confusion, and even Coma. And, this is just the short list.

Depression is not due to a lack of prescription drugs.  What better Argument for natural Remedies?  Often, depression, like most dis-eases, is due to a lack of nutrients. A good read is JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE DEPRESSED, DOESN’T MEAN YOU HAVE DEPRESSION by Mary Anne Block, M.D. 

She and Dr. Becker both recommend finding an integrative/complimentary/holistic doctor who can look at the big picture, so to speak, of all your health complaints. Those that you mention seem to go hand-in-hand.

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, recently a guest on The Dr. Oz show and a regular guest on YOUR HEALTH, hosted by Dr. Richard Becker, is a Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue/Pain/Depression expert who trains doctors all over the country. To find a clinic closest to you , go to http//
Dr. Teitelbaum begins his assessment of his patients with The S.H.I.N.E. Method (Sleep, Hormones, Infection, Nutrition, Exercise). You can read about him at and hear his short lectures at 

Personally, just hearing my favorite music can have me out of a funk before the first measure is finished playing. Try closing the blinds and windows and dance (even if in place) like no one is watching and sing real loud, no matter your vocal talent.

More Factual Stuff About Magnesium:
*Minimum of 500 mg/day for women
*Minimum of 600 mg/day for men
*Magnesium deficiency can stop our hearts.
*Magnesium deficiency causes muscle twitches and cramps.
*Diuretics drugs deplete Magnesium and Potassium.
*Magnesium/Calcium need each other to be absorbed by mouth.
*Magnesium deficiency prevents absorption by diet (what a kick in the head!)
*Topical Magnesium Gel Absorbs instantly into the tissues.
*Topical Magnesium does not need Calcium for absorption.
*Blood tests for Magnesium will always show normal because blood robs it from bones and tissues, when blood levels are low.
*Stress lowers Magnesium levels.
*Magnesium is needed to deal with stress.(becomes a vicious cycle!)
*Tight muscles cause pain.
*Magnesium is a muscle-relaxer (especially topical gel Magnesium)

*Magnesium deficiency can cause loss of bladder control.
*Magnesium absorption can help bladder control.
*Magnesium lowers Blood Pressure
*Magnesium is one of  cardiologist Dr. Stephen's ‘Awesome Fivesome.’
(Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Heart Specialist, calls Magnesium, FishOil, Co-Q10, L-Carnetine and D-Ribose the 'Awesome Fivesome' and claims they are rocket fuel for the heart!

Dr. Sinatra believes that in twenty years, any heart doctor who does not use these five supplements will risk being sued for mal-practice. Most heart doctors at least know about Co-Q10 and Fish Oil, but few are using the other three in a synergistic approach to heart health.

*Diuretics drugs deplete Magnesium and Potassium. (Water, Taurine, Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar (unrefined vinegar is best for its Probiotic content), Dandelion, Nettle, Fennel, Horsetail and St. John’s Wort are natural diuretics that not only do not cause this side effect; they also have other health benefits. 

A great, quick read is YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER, by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj ('Dr. Batman'), which explains in layman's terms the difference between needed water inside the cells and unneeded water between the cells. "It Is Unintentional Chronic Dehydration That Causes Pain and Disease, Including Cancer In The Body . This information had been methodically and fraudulently concealed until now!"  F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
A natural diuretic is also a low-carb diet. Carbs cause us to retain fluid.

Two Magnesium Experts are:
Both experts say that 80% of Americans are magnesium deficient. 


Be sure to scroll down or visit blog archives in the right-hand margin to catch up on any previous entries you may have missed.

*Royal Jelly  Lowers antibodies in autoimmune diseases; improves, concentration & memory by regenerating neurons; increases energy; decreases cholesterol & liver lipids.  Do not take RJ if allergic to bees or have asthma.

*Fish Oil Anti-inflammatory; Improves I. Q & Slows brain aging/Alzheimer’s; Nordic Naturals use only wild-caught, contaminate-free fish

*Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) Heals painful/numb nerves; one of the few supplements that prevents & can even reverse Diabetic Neuropathy; Maintenance/Prevention: 100-200mg/day - Up to 1200 mg/day for is GRAS

*IP6/Inositol Combo Antioxidant that turns on the immune system’s natural killer cells; has a synergistic effect on the immune system with Beta Glucan)

*Wild-crafted Oregano A natural anti-biotic, anti-fungal; kills yeast; experts agree that p73 North American Herb & Spice is one top-of-the-line.

More Factual Stuff - Supplements For Shingles/Autoimmune Disease:  By the end of the thirty days, you should see an improvement in your symptoms. You will most likely lose water weight, as a low-carb diet is a natural diuretic, eliminating extra, unnecessary water in the tissues. Then, you can work with your (hopefully) new, holistic doctor with what issues remain. 

That's My Argument,