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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Slow Aging - Reduce Pain - Start Anew 2010!


I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses & you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? & I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs, psas it on!


I would never mention it to them, but friends my own age are so much older than I am.  I ran into an old friend the other day and she has aged so much that she didn't even recognize me.  I got to thinking about the poor dear while I was combing my hair, in front of the mirror this morning,  and I was startled to see a stranger  looking back at me. "Who are you and how did you get in my house?" I screamed.

Clothing manufacturers are less civilized these days. Why else would they suddenly start labeling a size 10 or 12 dress as 18 or 20? Do they think no one notices? 

The people who make bathroom scales are pulling the same prank. Do they think I actually 'believe' the number I see on that dial? HA! I would never let myself weigh that much! Just who do these people think they're fooling? 

('Thanks' to sisters-in-law, Suzanne & Sandra, for  these contributions.)

AGING is a Universal Disease. And, while no one will get out of this place alive, many live as though it were a race to the finish line.   Premature Aging & Dis-Ease are not due to a lack of Prescription Drugs.  They are not even largely due to heredity.

Premature Aging, Pain and Dis-Ease are MOSTLY due to a Nutritional Deficiency Crisis.  Much of our food is devoid of proper nutrition, due to Farming Methods, Food Additives, Overcooking and use of the Microwave.  Food choices have a direct effect on Aging, Pain & Dis-Ease.

What is causing this Aging Train Wreck - inside & out?  The worst offenders are *Foods* such as:  Soy, Soda (all Soda, but especially Diet Soda), Corn Oil, Corn Syrup, Sugar, White Flour Products (including Pasta, Crackers, Graham Crackers).  These Enriched Flour Products, White Potatoes and White Rice are equivalent to heaping mounds of Sugar! 

Processed Foods (trans fats, MSG Aspartame, Sodium), Fruits/Vegetables grown in pesticides & Meats from corn-fed animals that are *beefed up* with Antibiotics & Hormones.  All these *foods* cause Dis-Ease and Weight-Gain.  It is far safer & far more nutritious to eat free-range, grass-fed beef and poultry (chickens eat grass seeds). 

Produce  doesn't have to be *Certified Organic* to be safe & nutritious.  But, to stay healthy, while helping the local American economy, buy from local reputable growers or from local farmers who will personally discuss their farming methods.  Some farmers grow produce Hot Houses or Green Houses, without insecticides & raise their animals as free-range, without antibiotics or hormones. 

The responsibility for our own health falls on each of us--not our doctors. Nutrition, Quality Sleep, & Activity are the best Natural Remedies that allow the body to heal itself.  Supplements will further healing, slow aging & reduce pain, however, unless & until Sugar, Enriched Flours, Processed/Packaged Foods are taken out of the diet--permanently-- healing cannot begin; Aging will speed up, Pain & Fatigue will increase & Fat will be stored.

Nutritionally Deficient 'foods' result in illness.  Illness causes us to seek medical help.  Medical help can result in Prescription Drugs.  Medical help can result in Anti-biotics. Prescription Drugs & Anti-biotics cause Adverse & far-reaching Side-Effects. 

Side Effects cause other Illnesses, which only causes us to seek more medical help.  More Medical help can result in more Prescriptions Drugs.  More Medical help can result in more Anti-biotics.  More Drugs & more Anti-biotics cause more Adverse Side-Effects.  More & More Side-Effects cause more & more illnesses.  More & more Illnesses cause us to seek more & more Medical help.  Need I go on?

We have an epidemic of self-inflicted Dis-Eases.  Studies show that the increase in these afflictions, from Alzheimer's to Arthritis to Asthma to Cancer to Chronic Fatigue to Constipation to Depression to Diabetes to Fibromyalgia to GERD to Heart Disease to Insomnia to Migraines to Parkinson's, is not necessarily--and most likely not-- due to heredity, after all. Most of the time, it is due to Food Choices and Life-Style! Is there an inherited propensity for these ailments?--yes!--a sure thing?--no!


Sugar & HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) are in nearly every pre-packaged, prepared *food.*  They inflame the brain, arteries & organs, raises blood sugar, weaken the immune system, feeds cancer/fungus/yeast & cause the body to retain fluid.  Enriched flours, when digested, become sugar. 
Most Sodas are addictive, interfere with proper digestion & absorption of nutrients & are linked to Osteoporosis, weight-gain, intestinal illness &  tooth-enamel decay. 

Baby Formula & Processed/Pre-Packaged/Canned/Fast Foods contain  SOY, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), unhealthy salt (& too much of it) sugar, trans fats (hydrogenated oils), MSG (Mono-Sodium Glutamate), ASPARTMAE & other chemicals that I can neither pronounce nor spell.

Manufacturers are sneaky; they change the names of these poisons - with the FDA's blessing, to trick consumers.  So, keep up with the latest terms & read labels!


There is much controversy about Soy's health benefits/dangers.  It is believed to interfere with thyroid health & trigger estrogen-driven cancers.  Soy is found in many pre-packaged, restaurant & fast foods.  Most Soy is GMO (genetically modified w/viruses, that resist death by pesticides)
But, most health experts agree that ORGANIC FERMENTED SOY is safe in moderation.  SOY is a 'food' that I will not touch, unless it is clearly stated as FERMENTED, and I rarely include even fermented soy in my diet.  (

Corn Syrup, MSG and ASPARTME are toxins that cross the Blood-Brain Barrier & destroy nerves in the brain & body.  These  'hidden ingredients,' in nearly  all processed & pre-packaged foods, are allowed by the FDA, to be listed as 'seasonings,' 'natural flavorings' or 'natural ingredients.' 

These poisons are in our food as flavor enhancers & preservatives.  They are addictive.  And, they are still approved by the FDA, as is Fluoride in our water supply!  If the label does not state that the product is Organic or 'NO MSG, NO SUGAR or NO ASPARTAME or NO FLUORIDE -- ASSUME THAT THESE TOXINS ARE IN THEM!

When people were asked what they wanted more than anything, RIGHT NOW, most said they wanted a nap!  Many people don't realize that even though they are in bed for eight hours they may not be getting Quality Sleep.  

Healing Sleep hours are 10pm to 2am. Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep & children need ten to twelve hours of sleep in total darkness.

Little known symptoms of sleep deprivation include:  falling asleep quickly, not dreamingawakening feeling tired, Forgetfulness, Loss of Memory, weight-gain  & often wanting a nap--RIGHT NOW!

Per Dr. Richard Becker, Melatonin, produced in the brain, helps us sleep. Aging lowers levels of Melatonin.  Many find Melatonin supplements a big help, to replace the deficiency. Melatonin improves quality of sleep, slows aging & fights cancer.

Per Dr. Becker, start with 1 to 3 mg.  If after one hour, you cannot fall asleep or keep waking up, more can be taken. Up to 24 mg is GRAS (generally regarded as safe).

When you are ready to take back the responsibility for your health, tell your doctor that you want his help--especially if you are on prescription meds.  Here are two ways to approach a Nutritional Overhaul:

One approach would be to go 'Cold-Turkey,' with your diet changes.  This could give you a headache the size of Texas, however, for a day or three.  You could develop flu symptoms & brain fog, as you go through de-tox & yeast *die-off;* much the way a drug addict goes through withdrawal. But, this will pass in a few days & you will be well on your way to healing.  READ THIS PARAGRAPH AGAIN & don't give up. 

1.  Packaged/Canned Foods---STOP
2.  Fast Food & Restaurants---STOP
3.  Water - DRINK MORE (filtered; unfluoridated; reverse osmosis) 
4.  Fresh Vegetables (local, organic  farmers, when possible)
5.  Simple Carbs -DIVIDE PORTIONS in half each day

Healing begins naturally when toxins are excreted from the body. Cravings are caused partially by food-related allergies (often caused by vaccines) & fungal parasites living in the gut that thrive on sugar/starch in food.  Take two weeks to reduce amounts of Sugar, Simple Starches (including White Potatoes & White Rice), Fast Foods & Restaurant Food every day, until none of these 'foods' exist in home, car or office.  Replace with only organic, whole grain foods.  If you have Celiac, there are several delicious & highly nutritious gluten-free whole grains, like Millet, Chia, Amaranth & Quinoa (an actual grass, but looks like a grain).  Best to stay away from any baked product w/corn syrup, even organic corn syrup.  

Aging Slows, Pain Lessens, Healing Begins
1.  Quality Sleep
2.  Organic/Whole Foods (as found in Nature)
3.  No Sugar, Starchy Foods, Preservatives/Additives or Yeasty/Baked goods

This sounds like an oversimplification, but it has been proven that pain & suffering has been reduced dramatically - sometimes completely - just by following these three steps alone.  People are shocked, after years of suffering, at how quickly  they get relief from sleepless nights, confusion, fatigue & pain.  Weight-loss & fewer or no more colds & flu are usually added bonuses.

AND, it is a great way to PREVENT Dis-Ease!  When people live by what Nature has provided -- Fresh, Whole Food, Fresh Air, Sunshine and Sleep -- the intensity of Dis-Ease begins to lessen and some even heal completely. Supplements can help further healing, but not without the basic steps; first things first.

Millions are Celiacs & neither they nor their doctors know it.  They have a variety of illnesses & neither they nor their doctor(s) realize that Gluten Protein in Grains is the culprit. They are on medications for years that only make them sicker. -- Processed Gluten products damage the intestines -- Celiac Disease has non-specific symptoms. Stop eating Gluten for sixty days & feel the difference. 
Smokers have ADVANCED AGING.  Smoke dries delicate, facial skin & it becomes prematurely wrinkled. Tobacco is high in arsenic, sugar, fungus & yeast.  These poisons are drawn into the lungs & distributed throughout the body.

Organs become depleted in disease-fighting nutrients & anti-oxidants, such as Vitamin C.  Lungs become 'sticky' & they cannot expand or receive oxygen sufficiently. Cancer thrives when cells don't receive enough oxygen.  Organ tissues die when they do not get enough oxygen.  

Smokers look 'long in the tooth' because oxygen, Vitamin C & other nutrients are depleted with each cigarette.  This causes death of gum tissues & they shrivel up or recede, showing more of the teeth, causing smokers to look many years older than they are.

Cigarette poisons are found in babies' umbilical blood born to mothers who smoke or who live with smokers.  We now know that chemicals are transferred from smokers mouths, hands & clothes onto baby's clothes & skin.  Studies indicate that these poisons can be absorbed through babies' skin, from contact. 


Microwaved food is rendered devoid of nutrients.
New research suggests that microwaved food causes cancer.

Raw, or Lightly Steamed Vegetables
Roasted Winter Vegetables
Whipped Cauliflower, in place of Whipped Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes/Yams, in place of White Potatoes
Fried/Baked Carrot Sticks, in place of French Fries
Fried/Baked Parsnips, in place of French Fries
Sliced Radishes light sea salt, in place of chips
Fresh/Frozen Vegetables

Whole Fruits & Berries
Fresh/Frozen Berries in place of High Sugar Fruits

Hormone-Free & Antibiotic-Free meats

Organic Cheese from Cows that are grass-fed, not corn-fed
Goat's Milk 
Goat Cheese(No hormones/antibiotics)
Coconut, Almond, or Rice Milk 
FERMENTED Soy (read labels - most SOY is GMO) 

Free-Range Poultry (Beef iron feeds cancer)
Wild-Caught Sea Food (Antibiotic-free)
Raw Garlic (eat within ten minutes)
Organic Butter (never margerine/butter spread)
*Good News -- Organic Butter (Butyric Acid)is healthy in moderation! ( )

Honey, in place of Corn Syrup
Stevia or Xylitol, in place of Sugar
Gum with Xylitol, in place of Sugar/Aspartame
(NOTE: Per Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, chewing gum before/after meals, helps with GERD/REFLUX)

(caution: sugar alcohols can give you cramps/diarrhea)

Filtered or Reverse Osmosis in place of City Water
Spring Water (Fluoride is a toxic-waste & cannot be filtered out)
Water in place of Soda
Coconut Water in place of Soda
Tea in place of Soda
Yerba Mate in place of Soda
Coffee in place of Soda (Organic only)*
*Yes, ORGANIC coffee can be a healthy drink.  It is not only safe, but improves health for many people to enjoy three to five, six to eight ounce cups of coffee per day - depending on individual circumstances.  Check with your doctor; better yet, research the latest studies, yourself.  Doctors are often behind in their reading.

Whole Grain Flour
Finely Ground Whole Grain Oats 
Finely Ground Nuts in place of Corn Meal
Organic Coconut Flour in place of Grain Flour
Whole Grain Bread 
Yeast-Free Flatbreads
Brown Rice/Quinoa/Amaranth 
Whole Grain Rolled Oats or steel-cut oats
Whey Protein, in place of Soy Protein
Gluten-Free Products
(health food store or online at Sami's Bakery

Olive Oil in Salads or on top of
Coconut Oil or Grapeseed Oil for Sautéing
(Olive Oil isn't best for cooking; molecular structure changes when heated)

Sea Salt (Table salt has a bitter taste, Sea Salts contains essential minerals)
Whey (
Quinoa (
Garlic (Fresh) (
Coconut (unrefined; unsweetened) (
Broccoli (Raw) (
(A hefty pinch of RAW Broccoli Sprouts pack an even more powerful, nutritious punch
Coffee (Organic; non-organic is sprayed heavily with pesticides)

The body is excreting stored toxins and many feel worse before they feel better.  Taking HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), Soy, Sugar, Starches, Processed Foods, Fast Foods/Restaurant Meals, out of the diet, often causes a few days - but only a few days - of withdrawal:  headaches, thirst, cravings.  If so, deep breaths, filtered water (thirst triggers that hungry feeling), walking, dancing, brushing your teeth & prayer should help.  READ THIS PARAGRAPH AGAIN, & don't give up!

Generally, it will only take a few weeks to starve the yeast in your gut. But, if you already have intestinal  issues, it could take months.  Your intestines need to be re-plenished with health probiotics.

Probiotics are not created equal.  Several different strains are needed & they must be guaranteed to remain alive.  One top-of-the line Probiotics is Dr. Ohhira's 12 PLUS Probiotics.  Another is Dr. Becker's Probiotics PLUS.  The *plus* is FOS, the food that keep the probiotics alive.

Take Probiotics on an empty stomach.  If you are taking antibiotics, take Probiotics at least six hours apart.  If you are taking anti-biotics, you will need double doses of Probiotics, once you have finished taking anti-biotics.  

Having said that, it is not always wise to take prescription antibiotics.  Natural antibiotics include:  Olive Leaf Extract & Oils of Oregano, Sage, Clove, Cinnamon & Coconut.  Naturals can be used long-term, without harmful side-effects or as a preventative.

It won't take long to re-train your taste buds to appreciate & enjoy foods without toxic, flavor enhancers. It isn't feasible to continue making them a part of your diet & expect to enjoy optimal health.
If you feel that you do not have time for quality sleep, then find it; seek help with your duties or get more organized. 

If you are not talented in cooking whole foods, then learn how; take a class; ask/pay someone to teach you. 

If you do not have time to cook for yourself & your family, then find it;  cook together, prepare ahead & share duties.

BIG PHARMA needs to take over your health, your finances & your life.  Their objective is to make as much money off you, as possible, before their meds kill you.  Otherwise, they are out of business. NOT SO, WITH WHAT NATURE OFFERS.   

ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.  If you don't have the inclination for a Nutritional Overhaul, then don't expect to prevent Dis-Ease or for your health to improve, regardless of the Prescription Medications you take. In fact, expect Dis-Ease to occur & your health to worsen. It's that simple.

Good Luck With Your Nutritional Overhaul 



Happy Birthday to my Baby Sister, Karen (1/7/58 - 10/15/08); RIP

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