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Sunday, March 15, 2009




In a trial, a Southern, small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, “Mrs. Jones, do you know me? She responded, “Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I’ve known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you’ve been a big disappointment to me.

You lie, you cheat on your wife and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you’re a big shot, when you haven’t the brains to realize that you’ll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.

The lawyer was stunned. He didn’t know what else to do. He pointed across the room and asked, “Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?”

She again replied, “Why, yes I do. I’ve know Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He’s lazy, bigoted and he has a drinking problem. He can’t build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire stat. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.”

The defense attorney nearly died. The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said, “If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I’ll send you both to the electric chair.”


The official title of the meeting was the "Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information." This conference, held on June 7-8, 2000 at Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, Georgia, assembled 51 scientists and physicians of which five represented vaccine manufacturers. These included Smith Kline Beecham, Merck, Wyeth, North American Vaccine and Aventis Pasteur.

One of the doctors, Dr. Robert Johnson, tells the group of his concerns for his own grandchild. He says, (page 200) "Forgive this personal comment, but I got called out at eight o'clock for an emergency call and my daughter-in-law delivered a son by C-section. Our first male in the line of the next generation and I do not want that grandson to get a Thimerosal containing vaccine until we know better what is going on.

It will probably take a long time. In the meantime, and I know there are probably implications for this internationally, but in the meanwhile I think I want that grandson to only be given Thimerosal-free vaccines."

Sooo, upon reading the full report, another doctor reveals that it is his directive to make sure all American babies are given the Hepatitis-B injection at birth and continue a rigid vaccination schedule.  How do these men sleep at night?!?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is probably wondering the same thing:

PART 1 of 3  RFK "Green Our Vaccines" Rally Speech

PART 2 of 3 RFK "Green Our Vaccines" Rally Speech

PART 3 of 3 RFK "Green Our Vaccines" Rally Speech

So Much For The Integrity of Traditional Law and Medicine. What will America look like in 25 years? Off the cuff, I’d say that we are in DEEP DOO-DOO!


Currently, most American OVER AGE 50, are beginning to experience BONE LOSS, DEMENTIA, DIABETES and DEPRESSION. Cancer is quietly & happily brewing. One out of two hundred children will become Autistic (brain damaged)to some degree. Hyperactivity and A.D.D. are epidemic and have been since I taught school, more than twenty years ago. It is predicted that the generation born today WILL NOT OUTLIVE THEIR PARENTS.

I am horrified about the poisonous vaccines they are injecting into our babies. A newborn is injected with a Hepatitis-B shot, full of poisonous preservatives. The Hep-B shot is known to trigger auto-immune diseases. 

And,our babies receive many shots, before their first birthday! 

Experts tell us that Hep-B is a transmitted by sexual activity or by sharing drug needles. How many newborns and toddlers do you know who are promiscuous? I don't know of any. It is reported that the drug manufacturers make $1,000,000,000 (that's with a B) alone on babies' first shot. Imagine how much they make with all the rest of the shots!

According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, the amount of toxins in that newborn's shot would challenge a 250 pound man's system. That does not even address the repeat Hep-B injections, along with other vaccines, every few months or so, before their little bodies have a chance to detox.

When European countries saw the results of vaccinating their infants, the medical experts quickly changed their recommendation to start vaccines after age two.  American MD's don't give this recommendation; it goes against their medical directive.  It would be financially devastating to them and their stock holders (of whom many are doctors).

Clearly, the harm to our babies from these vaccines far outweighs the risks of not having them. The mercury/mercury derivatives, whether present or not, are only the tip of the ice burg, so to speak.

Then WHY?!?!? do our ‘trusted’ doctors line our babies up? FOLLOW THE MONEY--THAT'S WHY! Vaccines with preservatives can be declined--at least until the children are older, when their immune systems can handle the poisons better. Do your own research. There's never been an easier time to find out anything you want to find out. Study all sides of the issue.

Your children trust you. Wiegh the risks. You might decide that your children don't need vaccines, rather they need a healthy diet, plenty of sleep and exercise. Lifestyle has a direct effect on the results. A healthy lifestyle boosts immunity. Statistics show that if and when a bug comes along it will give your children natrual immunity, that is safer and longer- lasting than vaccine immunity.

Actually, there are promising studies that show he number of disease cases actually increase with vaccines and other Dis-Eases are occurring, such as arthritis, allergies, lupus and fibromyalgia in children. See a history of vaccine warnings here:

Despite what you have heard, sonograms are dangerous & can be declined--if insurance won't pay for prenatal and birth without them, pay for them out of pocket. Should we really be boiling our babies brains? Sorry to be so dramatic, but what else are sono-grams, but heat waves? At best, they pound the baby with sound waves.

It's difficult to find articles written by authors who do not benefit from sonograms, financially, but I did. Always, always, always consider the source and FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Flu shots still contain mercury. What is the point of making a big deal about taking mercury out of the childhood vaccines and then keeping them in the flu shots? Isn't a flu shot still a vaccine that they give to babies, toddlers and children multiple times per year?  They assume Americans are not paying attention and will not notice.

Watch the OBITS for the increase in deaths--especially of the elderly--just after each round of flu shots is given. AND, there is a connection between flu shots and Alzheimer's--> Those over seventy years of age who get a flu shot 5 years or more have an far greater risk increase of Alzheimer’s, than those who don't. It isn't worth the risk and in my opinion, flu shots don't prevent influenza, anyway.

Don't want the flu? Don't want Alzheimer's? Then, strengthen your immune system. Not sure how to strengthen your immune system? Well, then you'll just have to stay tuned...

Fresh vaccines can be used, but it costs more. The vaccine schedule for American Babies and toddlers is insane. Blood can be tested to check for antibodies before injecting additional, unneeded vaccines. I do this with my pets. OR, Gamma Globulins can be used, instead.

The vaccine, Gardasil - a series of three vaccinations - that is being pushed on our teenage girls (and soon boys) is deplorable. Many girls have become deathly ill and feared to be sterile. Some even died, before the series was completed. Cervical cancer is usually caught early with annual exams and successfully eliminated. Dysplasia is not always due to cancer cells and often clears up on its own.

This vaccine, by its own claim, only prevents SOME of the risks. I don't believe it prevents any. BTW, it's been known for at least 30 years that virgins and nuns do not get cervical cancer. Just think about it. Govern yourself accordingly.

Prescription drugs are a scam.  They sometimes cover up the symptoms, sometimes they make them worse.  That's why they call it 'practice.'  Before you allow anyone to 'practice' on you or your children, keep in mind that in nearly all cases, prescriptions cause at leasto one other problem, for which another prescription will be written and so on. You’ll feel better when you wean off them and switch to naturals, when possible. Nature provides for your body to heal itself.  Check with your doctor before stopping any medication.

Prescribing Antibiotics and not following w/Probiotics is like cutting out a tumor & not stitching up and dressing the wound. Plan for disastrous outcomes, for years to come--even with just one round of antibiotics ('anti-life), such as Dys-biosis (a deficiency of life in the gut), yeast infections, liver damage, weak immune system, allergies, IBS, hyperactivity, and brain/nerve damage (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS, A.D.D., Hyperactivity and AUTISIM).

Gut Health has a direct effect on the health of the whole body. Antibiotics don’t work for colds and flu, and yet, the doctors prescribe them anyway.  They say that Americans expect it and ask for them.  Antibiotics cause dysbiosis--an overgrowth of yeast and fungus. Did your doctor tell you that?   Dysbiosis results--in time--oin many, many illnesses that do not appear to be related, but they are from this one cause.  So, just remember, according to my sources, antibiotics cause health problems--ALWAYS.

AND ANTIBIOTICS MAKE US FAT--Antibiotics make us thirsty and hungry--that’s' how they beef up cattle for slaughter--antibiotics and hormones. Hormones are in the milk you are drinking and feeding your children. Stay away from conventional beef and beef products.  If on the rare occasion you buy beef for your family, buy organic.  Goat milk and Coconut milk/products are safe and very healthy for you and your babies.

Statin drugs are strong anti-fungals -- only with bad side effects! Natural anti-fungals will do the job, only without side effects. Your body needs Cholesterol. If your Cholesterol level is high, it is a warning that you have underlying problems in your arteries. To just lower your cholesterol without addressing the cause, is like painting over the warning light on your car dash.

*Fresh/raw Garlic (also anti-parasitic)
*Apple Cider vinegar (unpasturized only)
*Olive Leaf Extract (also antibiotic; at least 18% Oleuropein)
*Oregano Oil
  (also anti-viral/anti-parasitic; wildcrafted from Mediterranean Sea)

This is just a short list. Naturals just take a little longer to work, but are GRAS (generally regarded as safe). Although, I will say that one drop of P73 Extra-Strength North American Herb & Spice Oregano Oil will stop a fever blister it its tracks. Stay tuned for other blogs on anti-fungals...

The longer a person is on prescription pain medication, the longer he will be in pain.  Prescription Drugs cover the symptoms, but do not promote the body's healing. The body grows new pain receptors. That's why pain meds are addictive, not because someone is a dope head. Lots more to come on this, like how MSM and Noni Juice work for pain and healing, not just a cover-up of the symptoms and guess what? They aren't addictive!

Many natural methods are GRAS (generally regarded as safe) and can be most effective, especially with therapeutic doses. Make informed decisions. Do your own research and always consider the source.

Research both sides of the argument on these issues. FOLLOW THE MONEY; better to keep your $ in your pocket, unless of course you believe that you will be able to live well on our ponzi social security system.

Our western diet, aka the SAD (Standard American Diet) is pure poison: MOST, if not all, processed food and Restaurant Food contain Aspartame, MSG and High Fructose Corn Syrup and 'table salt.' Table salt is poison. The 'iodized salt' theory is good, the product is not. Sea salt is pure, table salt is not.

According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, board certified Neurosurgeon, these Mycotoxins and Excitotoxins--I repeat, TOXINS--cross the blood-brain barrier, and affect behavior (not just in children). They destroy the immune system, cause nerve damage (MS/Alzheimer's/Parkinson's), make us hungry, raise our blood sugar and they are addictive.

I invite you to become a diligent FOOD LABEL READER. Children entrust their protection to us. Don't let them down, the way the FDA has let us Americans down. If the label doesn't specifically state that Aspartame, MSG and Corn Syrup are not present, then ASSUME IT IS! These poisons are listed by different names, including, ‘natural ingredients’ and 'spices.' THANK YOU FDA for allowing this, even thought the FDA knows they are dangerous in any amount. HOW DISPICABLE!

XIII. SUGAR and GRAINS --especially REFINED GRAINS, are also toxic. Corn, White Rice, White Potatoes and Wheat are often coated with fungus and cause inflamtion in the body, causing Diabetes, Heart Disease and Disbiosis. Twenty years after introducing refined grains to group of people, that group begins to develop these DIS-EASES. These starcy foods digest into sugar. Sugar feeds yeast/fungus/cancer. It isn't a mystery. More on a later blog…

that Heart Disease, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, GERD, Bone Loss, Parkinson's Disease, Migraines, Allergies, Autism and Depression are inherited and/or are due to a deficiency of a drug, THINK AGAIN! The latest research has determined that our genes may are at most--at most--only 33% to blame for our conditions. That leaves 2/3 of our health--the majority-- to our diet, life-style and environment.

*DEPRESSION IS NOT due to a lack of Prozac.
*HIGH CHOLESTEROL IS NOT due to a lack of Lipitor.
*A.D.D. IS NOT due to a deficiency of Ritalin.
*CANCER is not due to a lack of Radiation or Chemotherapy

If you're in my graduating class of '72 or older, a day should not go by without your taking a POWDERED Multiple Vitamin. I like GARDEN OF LIFE (in capsules) and ALL ONE (powder mix). They are o.k. to take on an empty stomach—because they are real food w/o preservatives or fillers! My tummy is so happy after I take them. I feel like I’ve had a meal, without the stuffy feeling.

*Fish Oil (Nordic Naturalas)
*Omega 3 Organic Cooking Oils
  (Coconut, Grapeseed, Walnut, Flax)
*Probiotics (Dr. Ohhira's)
*Anti-fungals (fresh garlic, unrefined vinegar, Olive Leaf)
*Calcium/Magnesium/V-D3 combination
  (liquid absorbs better than hard pills)
More about these deficiencies on a later blog...

You probably know someone who has been given B-12 shots. After age 50, B vitamins are not absorbed very well, especially B-12. So, a SUBLINGUAL B-Complex is important for us to take, as well as DIGESTIVE ENZYMES--every day. Powdered supplements are easier to absorb and retain their potentcy without additives/preservatives..

1. Calcium/Magnesium
   (they need each other to be absorbed )
2. Vitamin-B Complex
   (B’s need each other to be absorbed) (sublingual if over fifty)
3. Omega 3
   ( Nordic Naturals is mercury-free)
4. Co-Q10
   (better w/L-Carnetine & D-Ribose for Heart Health)
5. Natural Sunlight
   (on bare, no sunskreen skin-10 minues a day equals FREE D-3!)

These deficiences can result in bone loss, dementia and depression/mental & behavioral problems. Health experts I've seen interviewed predict that most of us will have Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Cancer and Heart Disease sooner than later. 95% of Alzheimer’s patients and nursing-home residents are deficient in Omega 3 oils, Vitamin D-3 and the Vitamin-B’s--especially vitamin B-12. Read about Omega 3 oils, Prevagen and the effects of Flu shots causing Alzheimer’s on a later blog...

It's up to you. Be your own patient-advocate. Our food is no longer the nutrition source it once was.  Find out what Nutrient/Vitamin Deficiencies you have. Many medicines can be replaced with Therapeutic Doses of Nutrients and Supplements that allow your body to heal itself. Then, drop down to maintenance doses.

Many doctors know how to put you on a drug, but few know how to wean you from them. It is assumed by them that once you go on a med, you will continue for the rest of your life. Plus, you will eventually need another med to cover up the health problems that the other med(s) caused you. And why not? It's in traditional medicine's best interest to keep you on those prescriptions. BUT, it's in your best interest to get off them as soon as you can.

Melatonin is the sleep hormone that is in your body, naturally, but we become depleted in it, as we age. According to Dr. Richard Becker, Biochemist, Family Physician and Host of TV Cable Program, YOUR HEALTH, up to 24 mg of Melatonin is safe. It is safe to take every night and SLOWS AGING, as does sleep.

Holistic sleep experts recommend starting Melatonin with 1 to 3 mgs. It's cheap and can be found at Wally Mart, GNC or any health food store. Try it on a night that you don't have to be somewhere early the next morning, to test the dose you need. We will not have our wits about us and we will never heal or prevent disease, slow aging, OR LOSE WEIGHT, without enough sleep. Adults need 8 to 9 hours of sleep, children need 9 to 10 hours and babies and toddlers need 12 hours of sleep. JUST DO IT!

Oh, Please. Don't even get me started. Everyone knows that smoking is a ticking time-bomb. But, did you know that more than 100 chemical toxins are found in the blood of newborns whose mothers smoked and ate processed food during their pregnancies? The latest research finds that chemicals in cigarrettes are also being transferred to baby and absorbed through the skin from being held, hugged or kissed by people who have cigarrette poisons on their clothes, in their hair (babies love to pull hair) and on their mouths (with each kiss). It is known as 'third-hand smoke.' It sounds rediculous at first, but it makes sense when you think about it.

IN CONCLUSION, don't be a Wuss about these issues. Get your house in order, so to speak. Remember, your doctor works for you! Your gut instinct, Your Inner Doctor and Your Own Body will tell you if you need to find another doctor--hopefully an Integrative and/or Holistic doctor.

I also just want to take a second to thank my Mother, Phyllis. When I was growing up, we ate dinner as a family every night at the table and with short prayer before eating and no TV.  My sister and I were only allowed sweets and sodas on rare occasions, usually on weekends.

We drank water with every meal. We were served a fresh salad and vegetables from our own garden out back--an oddity in our New Jersey, suburban neighborhood, during the sixties. We helped prepare meals, clear the table and clean up afterwards. Thank you Mama Bear for keeping these family rules, regardless of what everyone else was doing.

Please visit with me often, e-mail me with health questions or research on your own about Natural Health Approaches, before giving your life and your moolah over to the Big Pharma SCAM. If I can't educate you, I will refer you to someone who can.

Two wonderfully, informative programs are:
2. KNOW THE CAUSE (KTC is also online)
Both On FamilyNet cable TV-->They will change your life.

Two radio programs (and on XM) are:
Both can also be found online, as well.

GOOGLE 'Dr. Joseph Mercola.'
GOOGLE 'Dr. Russell Blaylock.'